Paul Di'Anno


Paul Di'Anno

17 de maio, 1958 - Chingford, London, UK


Heavy metal kingdom - La nouvelle vague rock britannique
Heavy metal kingdom - La nouvelle vague rock britannique
2024, abril
Iron Maiden: In the beginning with Paul Di'anno
Iron Maiden: In the beginning with Paul Di'anno
2009, julho
Heavy Metal: Louder Than Life
Heavy Metal: Louder Than Life
2006, janeiro
The History Of Iron Maiden - Part 1: The Early Days
The History Of Iron Maiden - Part 1: The Early Days
2004, novembro
Iron Maiden: Visions of the Beast
Iron Maiden: Visions of the Beast
2003, junho
Iron Maiden: 12 Wasted Years
Iron Maiden: 12 Wasted Years
1987, outubro
