Arthur Rubinstein


Arthur Rubinstein

28 de janeiro, 1887 - Lódz, Poland


Arthur Rubinstein - Das Abschiedskonzert: Sternstunden der Musik
Arthur Rubinstein - Das Abschiedskonzert: Sternstunden der Musik
2021, novembro
Rostropovich: L'archet Indomptable
Rostropovich: L'archet Indomptable
2019, setembro
Rzeźbiarz z kamerą
Rzeźbiarz z kamerą
2018, junho
Artur Rubinstein - Piano Concertos
Artur Rubinstein - Piano Concertos
2006, julho
The Art of Piano - Great Pianists of 20th Century
The Art of Piano - Great Pianists of 20th Century
1999, janeiro
The Golden Age of the Piano
The Golden Age of the Piano
1993, janeiro
