What Do You Say to a Naked Lady

What Do You Say to a Naked Lady

What Do You Say to a Naked Lady

Ficha técnica

Dirigido por

  • Allen Funt

Roteiro original

Allen Funt


Allen Funt Allen Funt Self - Host
Joie Addison Joie Addison Nude Girl in Elevator
Laura Huston Laura Huston Girl on the Ladder
Martin Meyers Martin Meyers The Tailor
Karil Daniels Karil Daniels Girl Who Is Not Raped
Donna Whitfield Donna Whitfield Interracial Couple
Richard Roundtree Richard Roundtree Interracial Couple
Susanna Clemm Susanna Clemm Nude Girl in the Keyhole
Norman Manzon Norman Manzon Nude Male Model
Joan Bell Joan Bell Nude Lecturer
Harry W. Stinger Harry W. Stinger Nudist (uncredited)


Richard Briglia
(Associate Producer)
Allen Funt

Trilha Sonora

Euel Box
Steve Karmen


Arnold Friedman
Irving Winter