Taylor Mac's 24-Decade History of Popular Music

Taylor Mac Apresenta: 24 Décadas de História da Música Popular

Taylor Mac's 24-Decade History of Popular Music

Ficha técnica

Dirigido por

  • Jeffrey Friedman
  • Rob Epstein

Roteiro original


Taylor Mac Taylor Mac Self
Machine Dazzle Flower Machine Dazzle Flower Self
Matt Ray Matt Ray Self
Niegel Smith Niegel Smith Self
Anastasia Durasova Anastasia Durasova Self
Heather Christian Heather Christian Self
Anaïs Mitchell Anaïs Mitchell Self


Lisa Heller
(Executive Producer)
Nancy Abraham
(Executive Producer)
Mari Rivera
Taylor Mac
Alisa E. Regas
Anna Klein
(Coordinating Producer)
Jeffrey Friedman
Joel Stillerman
Linda Brumbach
Rob Epstein

Trilha Sonora
