Heather and Puggly Cock Block the Apocalypse

Heather and Puggly Cock Block the Apocalypse

Heather and Puggly Cock Block the Apocalypse

Ficha técnica

Dirigido por

  • Chris Seaver

Roteiro original

Chris Seaver
Lauren Seavage
Kurt Indovina
Chris Seaver


Meredith Host Meredith Host Heather
Lauren Seavage Lauren Seavage Puggly
Chris Seaver Chris Seaver Johnny Douchebag
Kurt Indovina Kurt Indovina Vladamire
Brad Austin Brad Austin Gregore
Shawn Green Shawn Green Proudfoot
Jason McCall Jason McCall T-Bone
Desiree Dark Desiree Dark Ivy
Josh Suire Josh Suire Sylvia
Katherine Indovina Katherine Indovina Rainbow
Ross Snyder Ross Snyder Fake Meistro
Noel Williams Noel Williams Venis


Chris Seaver
Joe Davis
Leo Belodeau
Brandi Jording

Trilha Sonora

Kyle Pittman
