Girl with an Itch

Girl with an Itch

Girl with an Itch

Ficha técnica

Dirigido por

  • Ronald V. Ashcroft

Roteiro original

Ralph S. Whiting
Jay M. Kude
Peter Perry Jr.


Kathy Marlowe Kathy Marlowe Mari Lou Waverley
Robert Armstrong Robert Armstrong Ben Cooper
Robert Clarke Robert Clarke Orrie Cooper
Scott Douglas Scott Douglas Jake
Patti Gallagher Patti Gallagher Emma
Sarah Padden Sarah Padden Cookie
Clem Bevans Clem Bevans Gramps
Carleton Crane Carleton Crane
Peter Perry Jr. Peter Perry Jr.
Merle Peters Merle Peters


Ronald V. Ashcroft
Peter Perry Jr.
(Executive Producer)

Trilha Sonora

Gene Kauer


Ronald V. Ashcroft