ETs Among Us Presents: Alaska's Secret Pyramid and Worldwide Alien Archaeology

ETs Among Us Presents: Alaska's Secret Pyramid and Worldwide Alien Archaeology

ETs Among Us Presents: Alaska's Secret Pyramid and Worldwide Alien Archaeology

Ficha técnica

Dirigido por

  • Cybela Clare

Roteiro original


Cybela Clare Cybela Clare Herself - The host
Linda Moulton Howe Linda Moulton Howe Herself
David Childress David Childress Himself
Richard C. Hoagland Richard C. Hoagland Himself
Semir Osmanagić Semir Osmanagić Himself
Alfred Lambremont Webbre Alfred Lambremont Webbre Himself
Sébastien Martin Sébastien Martin Himself


Cybela Clare
Michael Slack
(Head of Production)

Trilha Sonora


Michael Slack